Could you use a big sister?

Introducing a unique photography coaching program that goes beyond traditional mentorship — imagine having a "big sister" or “amazing aunt” in the world of photography. This program is crafted by someone who has not only mastered the art of photography but also embodies the warmth and guidance of a caring older sibling and endearing loving aunt. This coaching program emerges as a heartfelt pivot in my career, blending my deep passion for photography with my innate family role as a caregiver and mentor.

Our session will be

  • Personalized

    Everyone has pain points when it comes to achieving certain milestones with their photography skill level. I’ll work closely with you to help identify those and create a coaching plan tailored to your specific + unique needs. We will work together to overcome your obstacles and I will help you find your very own artistic voice.

  • Supportive

    This program is about building you up, praising your progress, and helping you navigate the emotional challenges of artistic endeavors. Like the intricate process of becoming a masterpiece, your photography journey under my guidance will be a transformative experience. We’ll tackle tough questions, celebrate your strengths, and refine your technique, all within a supportive and encouraging environment.

  • Integrative

    This coaching goes deeper than aperture settings and composition; it's about fostering strong values and relationships, much like those I cherish with my siblings. Here, you’ll find a space where open communication and mutual respect are just as important as artistic achievement.

How you’ll feel?

more confident and with a clear understanding of photography skills, concepts and principles.


Whether you're looking to refine your professional portfolio or simply enhance your photographic passion with heartfelt mentorship, this program offers a unique blend of skill development and personal enrichment. Join me, and let's create not just beautiful images, but a beautiful journey together.


What is 1:1 photography coaching?

1:1 photography coaching is personalized training tailored to your specific needs and goals as a photographer. Whether you're a beginner looking to understand the basics or an advanced photographer aiming to refine your skills, these sessions provide direct, individualized instruction and feedback.

Who can benefit from this coaching?

Anyone with an interest in photography, from complete beginners to experienced photographers, can benefit. The coaching is customized to your skill level and objectives, whether you want to improve your technical skills, learn new creative techniques, or explore specific genres of photography.

How are the coaching sessions conducted?

Sessions can be conducted either in-person or online via video call, depending on your preference and location. Each session is hands-on and interactive, focusing on practical exercises and real-time feedback.

How long is each session, and how many do I need?

Each session typically lasts between 1 to 2 hours. The number of sessions depends on your personal goals and the pace at which you learn. Some clients see significant improvement with just a few sessions, while others prefer ongoing support as they grow their skills.

What topics can be covered in the sessions?

Topics can range from basic camera settings and techniques to advanced composition, lighting, and post-processing strategies. We can also cover business-related topics such as building a portfolio, managing client relationships, and marketing your photography..

How much does 1:1 coaching cost?

Pricing varies based on the number of sessions, session length, and specific coaching needs. Please contact me directly for a detailed quote based on your personal coaching plan.